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April 2024

For Room Bookings and other inquiries, please phone the church on 020 8517 6159 

(Office hours 12-2.00 pm, Monday to Friday)


Sunday Services (10 am)​

  • Sunday 7th April, service led by Mr Robert Debrah

  • Sunday 14th April, 10.30 am at Old Dagenham Methodist Church.  United service of Holy Communion led by Revd Diane Smith

  • Sunday 21st April, service led by Deacon Andy Packer

  • Sunday 28th April, service led by Revd Mmasape Thathane-Tyolweni


Sunday School takes place on each Sunday, except for All Age Worship (this is usually on the United service Sundays).  


Forthcoming events:


Saturday 20th April,

10.30 am - 1.30 pm

Table Sale

Tables are available for £5.  If interested, please call 020 8517 6159.


Come and browse the goods on offer which include jewellery, books, toys and bric-a-brac, then relax with a cup of tea or coffee, accompanied by something tasty!  There will also be a raffle. 



A message from the Grange Hill Food Bank 

The Foodbank at Grange Hill Methodist Church is now part of the Redbridge Foodbank and will be able to get its supplies from the main centre at Jubilee Church Ilford. However, we are short of some things as the Redbridge Foodbank has not been able to supply us fully with the following items: Long life milk, Washing liquid/tabs, long life orange juice, cooking oil, Razors, Shaving gel/foam, Dried noodles, Baby wipes.​ Your help is welcome! 


For further information, please contact the Church Office.

 Message from the Circuit Ministers


Resurrection and Renewal: Embracing the melodies of life during this Easter.




It’s a new Dawn of renewed hope as we declare: Christ is Risen!…He is Risen indeed.


 As I reflect on the intricacies of my journey, embodying moments of both grace and frailty, I am reminded of the richness and complexity inherent in our human experience. In the tapestry of my life, I have embraced joy and sorrow, pride and embarrassment, authenticity and facades, truth, and falsehood. I have traversed the spectrum from openness and receptivity to closure and rigidity, from integrity to moments of compromise at the slightest provocation. Amidst these dualities, there is a verse from the hymn "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" that resonates deeply with me:


"Jesus! the name that charms our fears,

That bids our sorrows cease;

'Tis music in the sinner's ears,

'Tis life and health and peace."


These words encapsulate the power and significance of the name of Jesus, offering solace and comfort during our complexities. They remind me that in the face of fear and uncertainty, there is a name that brings calm and dispels sorrow. The name of Jesus is like music to the ears of those who seek forgiveness and redemption, bringing life, health, and peace to those who believe.


In the light of Easter's triumph and the anticipation of Pentecost's joy, this verse reminds me of the profound unity that binds us all as we journey through life's mysteries. Just as the readings on the cross and Pentecost illuminate the transformative power of sacrifice and renewal, my own narrative echoes these profound themes of struggle and redemption, growth, and celebration. In the shadow of the cross, where suffering and grace converge, I find comfort in the universal truth of resilience and rebirth. The joy of Pentecost, with its promise of spiritual awakening and divine presence, ignites a flame of hope within my heart, guiding me through the ebbs and flows of existence.


As much as I may struggle with self-acceptance at times, recognizing these dualities within me is an essential part of embracing the fullness of my humanity. In acknowledging these contradictions and intricacies within us, we illuminate our shared experience of the human condition, fostering compassion, understanding, and a deeper connection with one another. As we gather around the sacred texts that speak of sacrifice and revival, may we find strength in the shared narratives of faith and renewal, seeking forgiveness, extending grace, and embracing the richness of our diverse experiences.


In the light of our united struggle to find resources – both human and financial, to keep the gospel and mission of our faith going; it is important that we draw even closer as a circuit – celebrating and honouring those individual attributes of our congregations, whilst maintaining our place in the wider body that is the circuit.  It was a delight to share in our united lent studies and look forward to our upcoming Easter-Pentecost study based on the book of Acts of the Apostles.  It is this community of disciples where they were united in prayer and fellowship, sharing in all things that we draw inspiration and encouragement.  Many in our circuit have expressed how wonderful it is to belong to the different groups such as our circuit fellowship of safeguarding officers or the Youth leaders’ groups as these give a place to share experience and expertise.  Joining in circuit study or services reminds us that we are not alone and it rekindles the fire of Christ’s resurrection glory, so please may I urge us all to join our circuit mission and move forward in faith – together.


Blessed Easter wishes,


Revd Mmasape Thathane Tyolweni

Fundraising & Social Events

September 2022


DETs 40th Anniversary Concert

10th, 3.00p,, Main church

December 2022

Christmas Party

3rd, 3.00pm, Church Hall (inc. buffet)



17th, 11.00am, Main church

March 2023


Games Afternoon

11th, 3.00pm, Church Hall

June 2023


Summer Ball

17th, 4.00pm, Church Hall

October 2022


International Evening

22nd, 5.30pm, Church Hall

January 2023


Quiz Afternoon

28th, 3.00pm, Church Hall

April 2023


Summer Sale

22nd, 10.30am, Church Hall

July 2023


Summer Fete

17th, 10.30am, Church Hall

November 2022


Christmas Fair

19th, 10.30am, Church Hall

February 2023


Coffee Morning

11th, 10.30am, Church Hall

May 2023


Anniversary Quiz

20th, 3.00pm, Church Hall

August 2023


No events - Summer break

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