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Junior Sunday School age 4-10 years

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We welcome children from 4 to 10 years to Junior Church for a time to learn about the Bible and about Jesus Christ through various activities. We meet on every Sunday unless there is all age worship which is on every first Sunday of the month. 


senior Sunday School
age 11+ years


We welcome young people aged 11 and up to Senior Sunday school. We meet on every Sunday unless there is all age worship which is on every first Sunday of the month. We strive to help young people make sense of the world through the teachings of Jesus, and learn how the lessons from Scripture can be applied to their everyday lives at home, at school and anywhere else. Various activities take place from week to week, primarily based on the young people sharing their Christian ideas, opinions and experienes to deepen our understanding of God. This is followed by discussions on how we can use what we have learned in the days ahead. Weekly topics follow the lectionary, so there are opportunities for the young people to discuss their learnings with their families after the service.  

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